iMenorca helps you with all the paperwork to get your digital kit
The Digital Kit is an initiative of the Government of Spain, which aims to subsidize the implementation of digital solutions available on the market to achieve a significant advance in the level of digital maturity.
The new digital kit is aimed at any type of business that meets the following:
- Have an average workforce (UTA staff) until 49 workers.
- Be registered and have the minimum seniority per call. This point is subject to the approval of the regulatory bases.
- Don't be in a crisis situation.
- Have all the considerations related to your tax obligations and Social Security in order.
- Not have a recovery situation pending from the European Commission.
- Do not exceed the limit of small amounts of aid (Minimum Regime).
- Not incurring in any of the prohibitions provided for in article 13.2 of the General Subsidies Law.
iMenorca offers you different solutions with your digital kit
Website and internet presence
- Domain: registration of a new domain for the beneficiary SME for a minimum period of twelve months. The ownership of the domain will be entirely of the SME.
- Hosting: hosting of the website developed for a minimum period of twelve months.
- Website design: web structure with a minimum of 3 pages or sections. Pages or sections of a website are considered to be elements such as: home page (Landing Page), company presentation, contact form, product description, contact data, site map, etc.
- Responsive web: designed web pages must be adapted to be functional on all types of devices.
- Accessibility: The design must meet the level AA conformance criteria of the WCAG-2.1 Guidelines.
- Self-manageable: a content management platform must be provided for the beneficiary, so that it is autonomous when modifying the content of its web pages, without the need to resort to the support of the provider company.
- Basic positioning on the internet: Positioning of the basic information of the business, contact and profile of the company in the main sites, business networks or directories of companies and professionals.
- Optimization of search engine presence (basic SEO): Keyword analysis, On-Page SEO of 2 pages or sections, indexing and ranking of content.
This service has a minimum duration of 12 months.
Solution eligible for all companies up to 2000€
Solution price from 599€
Electronic commerce
- Creation of the online store or E-Commerce and registration of the product catalog: production of a catalog by registering, importing or uploading the products or articles of the SME. The number of references to be loaded by the digitizing agent will be at least 100 product references, unless the SME does not have this number, in which case it may be less.
- Payment methods: configuration and integration of payment methods.
- Responsive Design: the designed E-Commerce solution must be adapted to be functional on all types of devices.
- Accessibility: The design must meet the level AA conformance criteria of the WCAG-2.1 Guidelines.
- Basic positioning on the internet: Positioning of the basic information of the business, contact and profile of the company in the main sites, business networks or directories of companies and professionals.
- Optimization of search engine presence (basic SEO): Keyword analysis, On-Page SEO of 2 pages or sections, indexing and ranking of content.
- Self-manageable: a content management platform must be provided for the beneficiary, so that it is autonomous when modifying the content of its web pages, without the need to resort to the support of the provider company.
- Shipping methods: configuration and integration of digital and physical shipping methods of the products marketed by the beneficiary in the online store.
Solution eligible for all companies up to 2000€
Solution price from 1499€
Social media management
- Social Media Plan: definition and implementation of a social media strategy aligned with the mission and vision of the SME, which is relevant and connects with potential customers, and retains those users who already are.
- Monitoring of social networks: periodic monitoring and control through reference metrics of the impact of the actions, to quantify the results and check if the objectives set in the strategy are being met.
- Network optimization/Social Media Audit: analysis of the different social channels in order to optimize performance.
- Management of a social network: administration of the user profile of the SME in at least one social network.
- Publication of weekly posts: publication by the digitizing agent of a minimum of 4-8 entries (posts) per month.
This service has a minimum duration of 12 months.
Companies with 10 to 49 workers subsidized up to 2500€
Company with 3 to 9 workers subsidized up to 2500€
Companies and freelancers 1 to 2 workers subsidized up to 2000€
Solution price from 399€
Customer Management
- Client management: the solution must store and allow the consultation of data of each client from its registration as a business opportunity and the simulation of the purchase of products or contracting of services.
- Management of Potential Clients (Leads): the solution must allow new Leads to be registered manually or by means of a file import. The data associated with the Leads must allow their commercial management with the aim of converting them into customers. The solution will include the functionality of parameterization of business rules for the assignment of Leads according to different criteria.
- Opportunity management: the solution must manage all the business opportunities that entail sending offers and budgets to the potential client or Lead. In addition, the solution will consider the status of each opportunity (under analysis, offer submitted, under negotiation, won, cancelled, etc.).
- Business Actions or Tasks: The solution should offer the ability to create business actions and tasks, both manually and automatically.
- Reporting, planning and commercial monitoring: the solution must offer monitoring solutions through indicators (KPI's), pipeline and others, with different levels of information aggregation based on the profile of the solution user. It must be able to generate reports for the follow-up and monitoring of commercial activity, contemplating efficiency ratios, phase status, pipeline and other measurable attributes (such as products, prices, etc.), and according to channels, profiles, roles and/or or business phases. These reports may show, at least, monthly, accumulated and/or comparative data between different business years.
- Alerts: the solution must allow Customer Alerts to be displayed in graphic format of different types (icons, pop-up messages, etc.).
- Document management: the solution must include software for the centralized management of documentation, capable of inserting and/or linking documents both related to commercial activity and those provided by the clients themselves.
- Responsive design: the interface of the solution must be responsive, that is, it must be adapted to be functional on all types of devices.
- Integration with various platforms: availability of APIs or Web Services for the consolidation of information and data from the entire company.
This service has a duration of 40 hours of parameterization for companies with more than 9 employees and 30 hours for companies with less than 10 employees.
Companies with 10 to 49 workers subsidized up to 4000€
Company with 3 to 9 workers subsidized up to 2000€
Companies and freelancers 1 to 2 workers subsidized up to 2000€
Solution price from 799€
Gestión de procesos
- Contabilidad/finanzas: cuentas por cobrar/por pagar, gestión de activos y generación de cierres y balances, etc.
- Facturación: automatización de los procesos de facturación con la generación de presupuestos, albaranes y facturas, adaptados a los requisitos del artículo 29.2.j) de la Ley 58/2003, de 17 de diciembre, General Tributaria, y a su normativa de desarrollo.
- Proyectos: control de presupuestos, costes, estimaciones, optimización de los recursos, etc.
- Inventario: previsión, niveles de stock, envíos, distribuciones, devoluciones y cancelaciones, etc.
- Compras y pagos: gestión de pedidos de compra y proveedores.
- Recursos humanos: gestión de los recursos humanos, nóminas, etc.
- Logística: gestión de flotas y rutas, entre otras.
- Integración con diversas plataformas: la solución dispondrá de APIs o Web Services para su integración con otras herramientas.
- Actualizable: accederás a actualizaciones de la solución con nuevas versiones.
- Escalable: si tu empresa crece o cambia estructuralmente, la solución se adaptará a estos cambios.
- Cumplimiento: podrás asegurar el cumplimiento de la normativa aplicable, en concreto del Reglamento por el que se regulan las obligaciones de facturación del Real Decreto 1619/2012, así como cualquier normativa de aplicación.
- Módulos individuales: se podrán incorporar nuevos módulos individuales, siendo estos aquellos que agrupan o soportan un único subproceso de la cadena de valor de tu pyme, sobre una solución de gestión de procesos ya existente. No obstante, no podrá consistir en un desarrollo, progreso, aumento o enriquecimiento de los servicios y funcionalidades de la solución existente. Tampoco podrá ser la actualización debido a releases que el proveedor publique sobre una versión de software, ni upgrades o mejora de versiones existentes. El nuevo módulo individual que se implante debe cumplir con todos los requisitos establecidos en las bases de esta categoría y debe ofertarse a precio de mercado.
Companies with 10 to 49 workers subsidized up to 6000€
Company with 3 to 9 workers subsidized up to 3000€
Companies and freelancers 1 to 2 workers subsidized up to 2000€
Solution price from 1656€
Factura electrónica
- - Facturas en formato estructurado: tendrás la posibilidad emitir facturas en formatos estructurados, al menos en formato FACTURA-E, para facilitar su tratamiento automatizado.
- - Facturas ilimitadas: podrás emitir y recibir un número ilimitado de facturas.
- - Clientes ilimitados: tendrás la capacidad de enviar facturas a un número ilimitado de clientes.
- - Productos o servicios ilimitados: podrás crear un número ilimitado de productos y/o servicios facturables dentro del catálogo.
- - Envío y recepción de facturas: la solución implantada por el Agente Digitalizador de tu elección te posibilitará enviar y recibir facturas electrónicas directamente, al menos por correo electrónico.
- - Personalización de facturas: las facturas serán personalizables, incluyendo la selección de tu logotipo.
- - Copia de seguridad periódicas: podrás realizar copias de seguridad, con posibilidad de una periodicidad diaria.
- - 1GB Almacenamiento/Histórico de facturas: tendrás un almacenamiento de, al menos, 1GB para las facturas.
- - Integración con otras soluciones: la solución deberá disponer de APIs o Web Services para su integración con otras herramientas, así como permitir la carga de datos de manera manual.
- - Control de vencimiento de las facturas: tendrás un sistema de control del vencimiento de las facturas.
- - Generación de un registro de facturación: la solución te permitirá generar un registro de facturación, de forma simultánea o inmediatamente anterior a la expedición de cada factura.
- - Emisión de facturas verificables: la solución deberá habilitar la emisión de facturas, tanto en papel como de forma electrónica, que puedan ser verificables con la Agencia Tributaria por parte del comprador.
- - Verificación presencial: la solución deberá permitir la verificación presencial del registro de facturación por parte de las autoridades competentes.
- - Declaración responsable: la solución deberá disponer de una declaración responsable por parte del fabricante o desarrollador acreditando que el software cumple con la normativa tributaria vigente.
- - Cumplimiento: podrás asegurar el cumplimiento de la normativa aplicable, en concreto el Reglamento por el que se regulan las obligaciones de facturación del Real Decreto 1619/2012, los requisitos del artículo 29.2.j) de la Ley 58/2003, de 17 de diciembre, General Tributaria y su normativa de desarrollo, así como cualquier normativa de aplicación.
- Companies and freelancers 1 to 2 workers subsidized up to 1000€
- Company with 3 to 9 workers subsidized up to 2000€
- Companies with 10 to 49 workers subsidized up to 2000€